LIGA360 is an IT platform for minimizing business risks and team information management LIGA360

One powerful IT platform for information management and risk minimization of the entire company

To function 360, companies need information and tools to make decisions

Legislation & Analytics

  • smart search engine
  • schemes, cases, instructions
  • feedback
  • monitoring of changes, fragments
  • smart search engine
  • schemes, cases, instructions
  • feedback
  • monitoring of changes, fragments

Data about companies & physical bodies

  • connections in Ukraine and United Kingdom
  • scoring, risk factors
  • search and monitoring
  • connections in Ukraine and United Kingdom
  • scoring, risk factors
  • search and monitoring

Real Estate & Property

  • changes of the status of objects
  • notifications about the beginning and process of registration actions
  • changes of the status of objects
  • notifications about the beginning and process of registration actions

Industries & Markets

  • market and financial scoring
  • industry legislation
  • market news monitoring
  • market and financial scoring
  • industry legislation
  • market news monitoring

Media & Social Networks

  • interactive dashboards and reports
  • AI definition of tonality
  • monitoring of trends, reputations, media, reviews
  • interactive dashboards and reports
  • AI definition of tonality
  • monitoring of trends, reputations, media, reviews

Judicial practices, legal positions

  • 35 search filters
  • forecasting the results of the case
  • monitoring of meetings and decisions
  • 35 search filters
  • forecasting the results of the case
  • monitoring of meetings and decisions


  • aggregator of professional news
  • telegram bot
  • digests and selections
  • aggregator of professional news
  • telegram bot
  • digests and selections

Licenses & Trademarks

  • check and search
  • monitoring of authorizations activity
  • check and search
  • monitoring of authorizations activity
Show all
1,8 mln
of legislation docs & analytical materials
7 mln
of dossiers of the businesses in Ukraine​
databases & open sources
111 mln
of judgments
45 thousand
of templates, contracts & forms​
120 thousand
of media sources (online, video, radio, TV)

Feel the power of interaction between information, functions and people in LIGA360

Customized dashboard with key information about your business

partners, competitors

reputation and image in the media

industry and markets

court decisions and hearings

changes in the legal field

real estate and property

Information and documents for operational decisions and smooth reaction to changes

reporting and templates

joint work

discussion and minimization of risks

sharing documents and links

Tightly integrated information from various sources for daily work

analysis and search

monitoring of changes and relevance

business intelligence

reputation control

news monitoring

Automate work at all stages of the contract life cycle

Organization of teamwork to start the contract & effective interaction between a lawyer and a business customer forming the requirements for a new contract

Joint editing of the agreement by several users with the ability to analyze and compare different versions

Use of ready-made templates in Ukrainian and English according to the type of contract

Create your own contract templates and flexible editing capabilities.

Analysis of the text of the contract, identification of errors, hidden risks and problematic aspects

Defining key dates and creating a timeline

Determining and verifying the correctness of parties data, their verification of the main risk factors (status, court decisions, business relationships)

Assessment of the legal field and case law for a particular type of contract

Identification of changes made to the draft contract by the other party allowing quick comparison of different versions of the contract

Building a hierarchy of contract negotiators according to the company's structure

Forming a timeline: a module to work with dates, which allows you to monitor key dates

Automatic identification of the parties to the contract, their details and the ability to monitor both the parties and other companies mentioned in the contract

Monitoring of the parties for the sanctions, the register of enforcement proceedings, the register of debtors, the register of VAT payers, changes in the status of the single tax payer, tax debt and many others. Automatic notifications in case of updating information about changes in counterparties.

Notification of the approach of the deadline specified in the contract for 30, 20, 10, 3 days and on the day of occurrence

Notification of changes in regulations governing the contract or important for the company as a whole

Choose your LIGA360 offer

For Business & Public Sector
For the experts
LIGA360 for business
LIGA360 for public sector
LIGA360: Law Firms

Why LIGA360?

30 years of experience in creating the best LIGA ZAKON IT products

Integration of all products empowers management of all info

Reliability and security of the corporate level

Personalized settings for the experts, teams and top management

Customer support at all stages of work

Smart decision making